Thursday 18 June 2009

Two Things I Am Not Interested In

The Royal Family.
If it was up to me I would Put the Royal Family up against the wall and leave them there. I wouldn't turn my head even so much as a fraction of inch to look out of the window if someone said the Queen was passing. I am so uninterested in the Royal Family that I can't even summon up enough interest to take a republican stance towards them.

Sport is something to be done. Participating in sport is great and good for you, and good for you if you participate. Apart from that it bores the shit out of me. I am one of the few people I know who got cable tv to avoid sport. I would sooner watch snails fuck than watch cricket.

If there was nothing but sport and the royal family on tv I would put a brick through it.

I am so uninterested in The Royal Family (and why the hell am I capitalising those words?) and Sport (done it again), I'm not even going to put them down as labels in case anyone thinks I'm writing about them.

Except I have a tiny microscopic so small you can barely see it with an electron microscope interest in the doings of North East football clubs, with an almost visible interest with an ordinary microscope in Sunderland football club, who stayed in the Premiership this season unlike Newcastle (me, gloat, noooo) and Middlesborough.

Maybe if there was a Royal Family of Sunderland.

Naah, I'd totally ignore them as well.

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