Tuesday 23 June 2009

I Got It Today: 2

Graphic Story: Gilbert Hernandez 'Luba'.
A massive collection of stories about Luba and her family which follows on from the equally massive collection Palomar, itself a landmark in contemporary graphic storytelling. I ordered Luba from Amazon.com rather than the UK because it was considerably cheaper. It also arrived a month earlier than Amazon's estimate. Hopefully this means I'll be receiving the other items I ordered from them in the near future (see earlier entry: The High Cost of Neil Young).

Software: Cyberlink Power DVD 9 Ultra from Amazon Vine for review. I requested this because I already have PowerDVD8 and thought the upgrade would be worth having. However, several other Vine reviewers have already mentioned on our forum that they are having a lot of trouble installing it and getting it to work. Apparently a patch is due so I may wait before trying it out. Pity

Book: Stephen Hunt -Rise of the Iron Moon
from Amazon Vine, for review. Third in a fantasy series but I got the impression it was a standalone title and it sounded interesting. I shall let you know.

I was actually out of the house picking up a cat from the vets when the post office van arrived yesterday teatime and Susan wasn't in either so I had to pop round to the collection office this morning after swimming. Wonder if anything else will come on the van today.

Post Script

Nothing did but I did get three orders as an Amazon Marketplace seller, my first orders in a week.

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