Thursday 4 June 2009

DVD: Planet of Dinosaurs (1979)

This came up in my Amazon recommendations. I'd never even heard of this movie and considering I used to fancy myself somewhat knowledgeable on the subject of science fiction movies that's quite a surprise. This would tend to suggest it's total rubbish but, when I checked it out, I learned it featured stop-motion dinosaurs, my weakness.

Well, it's not total rubbish; it is rubbish, of course, but not total.

Starship blows up, handful of survivors crashland on Earth-type world with landscape that seems surprisingly familiar. Had the cast of the original Star Trek visited this world on several occasions? Anyway, they walk around, talk and bicker, get interrupted from time to time by dinosaurs who eat some of them.

And that's pretty much it. The actors are rubbish, the animation is fairly simplistic, there aren't even any matte paintings to suggest an alien landscape.

Yet it's not without a certain charm, a fairly limited charm admittedly, but you take what you can get.

There are also two Willis O'Brien shorts which must be nearly a hundred years old and look it. Pity, clear versions would have been rather interesting.

(This review also appears on Amazon UK.)

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