Friday 17 July 2009


DVD: Jekyll (BBC 2007)
I missed this 6-part series when it was shown on TV but people who did catch it told me enough to think I'd probably like it. I'm halfway through and it's terrific. I waited until I could get it for less than a fiver though.

DVD: Zombie Strippers (2008)

Another one I waited until it was really cheap -less than four quid. Just hope it's better than a similar-themed thing I saw on Zone Horror recently.

CD: Neil Young - Fork In The Road (2009)
His latest, getting good reviews and the samples on Amazon sounded interesting. Played it once and think it'll grow on me very quickly. Incidentally, I've decided that the Neil Young album I enjoy the most is the much-maligned

GRAPHIC STORY: Manhunter -Forgotten (DC 2009)
Last, and weakest, in a highly regarded but poor selling series.

GRAPHIC STORY: Asterios Polyp written/drawn by David Mazzucchelli (Pantheon 2009)
Tipped as being the graphic novel of the year, it's a lengthy, clearly told, but very subtle and philosophical story that's going to take me a while and several readings to fully appreciate; but I like it.

Post Script

Don't take 'I Got It Today' literally, though it did start out like that.

I've now played the Neil Young CD a couple of more times and put it up on my Amazon marketplace list along with the Manhunter GN. I'm not sure if it's me or if he's finally lost it. I've also just sold the Archives box set for £53.86 less than two days after putting it on.

Odd coincidence here. This morning I went to pick up and pay for a packet from the parcels office which didn't have enough (actually no) postage on it (which turned out to be a DVD that had gone missing and I'd been refunded for), and a non-delivered packet for Susan's mother -the card had been laying around the house for weeks. That packet contained a box full of the super efficient lightbulbs which are sent out free to pensioners (we've got loads). The box actually turned out to be the perfect size and shape to fit the Neil Young Archives. Kismet!

Or should that be Synchronicity! Or what's that word I remembered a moment ago but have now forgotten but might resemble Catweazle!

Fades into incoherence...


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