Friday 3 July 2009

DVD: Tokyo Gore Police

This DVD you will either rush to buy or hope to avoid for the rest of your life. For the first time since my early teens, and after watching the opening sequence, I began to wonder if I could actually stay the course of watching a horror film. Thankfully, the gore set-pieces were paced throughout the running time.

This isn't a good film and at times, because of unexplained cutting from one scene to another, difficult to follow. Also I didn't recognisable one cop when, out of samurai-stylised uniform, he transformed into a total idiot who wrongly thought himself the coolest dude in the city. Characterization is minimal -there are only really two, our heroine and main villain, everyone else is a cipher at best.

The satirical elements -tv ads for some form of violence such as having chirpy teen girls promoting small knives to use for self-harm- are wincingly effective.

However, the selling point are the surreal images and the over the top gore (often one and the same) and good grief it is over the top, piling image after image you never imagined in your entire life and the one (if you're male) you might fearfully have imagined then you certainly hoped that you never would see.

I feel deeply ashamed of myself to admit that I did enjoy this film and, worse, that I'll watch it again some time in the future. In mitigation, all I can say is that it is a black black unreal comedy which displays a remarkable, albeit appalling, invention, rather than being a witless sadistic slasher. It may not leave you stirred but it will quite likely leave you shaken.

Post Script

I actually wanted to include a still from this movie instead of the poster but I couldn't find one that was both interesting and not completely disgusting and I am trying to exercise some modicum of good taste in this blog.

This review was published on Amazon UK on 5th March 2009.

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